Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Comparing genome results from 23andMe and deCODEme

In order to determine the accuracy of the genome profile provided by 23andMe and deCODEme I arranged to be genotyped by both companies and wrote a computer program to compare the results.
The downloaded files contains 576105 snips in the case of 23andMe and 1013349 snips for deCODE. After removing the no-call and matching the two files by SNP identification, 560299 snips were present in both files. The comparisson revealed 23 cases in which the results do not agree. See the results here.
This error rate seems to me to be quite acceptable and I wonder if this is the rate expected in scientific studies using the same technology.


Unknown said...

This was an important comparison, well done. I'd say the difference between both data sets is pretty small (0,0041%). But for a personal genome service, is this acceptable?

Unknown said...

Olá, muito interessante os seus resultados. Eu os vi através de outro site:

E fiquei com uma duvida, como os resultados sao parecidos, o preço das empresas tmb sao parecidos?

Parabéns pelo programa e por ter compartilhado essas informações.

Aniabas said...

Well, since SNP are possible cell to cell, it stand to figure that not every bp would be completely identical.